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Meditation: What is it?

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Meditation can be performed in many forms. Meditation can take many forms, whether spiritual, religious or secular. It aims to expand awareness beyond the ego. It can also help you live longer and have a better quality of life. Multiple academic papers about meditation have given a definition for meditation.

Meditation is a great way to expand beyond the ego.

Meditation can help you become more aware and present in your thoughts and inner world. You react in ways that don't reflect who you are. Your ego always seeks out something from every moment. Meditation is a way to expand your awareness beyond the ego so that you can deal with problems in a more balanced manner without allowing the ego to cloud your thinking. To make the best decisions possible for their people, many of the world's greatest leaders tap into this realm.

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It can be secular, religious, or spiritual.

Whether you're spiritual, religious, or secular, meditation can have a profound effect on your life. Meditation can help to deepen your connection with the divine. For example, when you pray, you might assume the role of an observer, which can help you avoid triggering an emotional reaction and increase your ability to recognize God's presence. It can help you in your personal relationships.

It results in health and longevity

Researchers have discovered a possible link between meditation over long periods and better health and longevity. Researchers also found that meditation can reduce stress and extend telomeres. Although the molecular basis of these effects is still unknown, the long-term practice of meditation may result in increased levels of DNA methylation.

It can be secular.

Although meditation is commonly viewed as a spiritual practice, there are many secular variations of the practice that offer many benefits. Although guided meditations can be thought of as a form meditation, they require constant attention from the speaker, which makes it difficult to concentrate and provide common meditative insights.

Scientists have studied it.

In recent years, scientists have been examining the benefits of meditation for health and well-being. Although many claims can be hard to prove, some studies do suggest that meditation may have some tangible benefits. Meditation may improve the functioning of the brain in various ways, and scientists are interested in understanding the benefits it can bring.

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It has been practiced for thousands of years

The term "meditation" is a new invention. However, meditation has been practiced since thousands of years. The first recorded records of meditation date back to 1500 BCE. These ancient texts and hieroglyphs include those from Hindu tradition as well as Vedantism, a branch of Hinduism. The first recorded meditations of Buddhism date back to the early hundreds of BC.


Meditation: What is it?