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How to Study Islam And The Qur'an

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It has many benefits to study Islam and the Qur’an. It helps you strengthen your faith and to memorize duas. It is also a great way to increase your knowledge, such as by being with scholars or attending da'wah talks and seminars. It's also helpful to read books that deal with Islamic topics. However, it is better to avoid specialist literature and specialist books unless you have a specific aim, such as ascending to the highest level of Islam.

Shaykh Abdullah Misra studied islam

Shaykh Abullah Anik Mitra is a Canadian convert. He was born to a Hindu family but converted to Islam when he turned 18 years old. After graduating with distinction from the University of Toronto in Marketing, he settled down in Amman, Jordan with a wife. He also studied Islamic law as well as Prophetic biographies during his time in Jordan. He was also the program director for Qasid Arabic Institute.

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Maturidis introduction texts for studying islam

The Maturidis is a group Islamic scholars who emphasized monotheism. They believed that humans were endowed with free will and reason, and that the act of knowing God is the most fundamental duty of any accountable human. Hence, they held that the Hadiths are inherently unreliable if they contradict reason. They were also against similitude, anthropomorphism, and similitude. They believed that only God could create.

Islamic Theology

Studying Islam's theology is an intellectual discipline that takes its roots in the Quran and hadith. The volume of Muslim theological literature can be overwhelming. This course aims to critically analyze the history and development of Islamic theology. It covers key concepts as well as the different schools and great Muslim thinkers. Additionally, the course will examine issues such the relationship between Islam & secular modernity.


Two meanings can be given to the term Tasawwuf: "to observe" and "to interpret". Tasawwuf, in the first sense, refers to a spiritual experience a person can have while studying Islam. It's a spiritual tradition, created by God's Prophet.


The tafsir (commentaries), is an important resource for Islamic studies. They can be used to understand the meaning of a particular verse in the Quran. There are many types and styles of tafsir. Tafsir al-Wahidi can be an example. Tafsir al-Nasafi can also be an example. This is a moderate work load for intermediate students.

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Online courses

There are many courses online that can help you learn more about Islam. Some of the best courses are offered through edX, a collaboration between leading universities and colleges. These courses give you a solid understanding of Islam and the world in which it operates. These courses will cover everything, from the origins of Islam to its pillars. The course will cover current issues and Islam's effect on finance.


How to Study Islam And The Qur'an